Have you ever had one of those days, where at the end of it, you realize that from that day forward, your life will never be the same? Last Thursday, February 26, 2009, was that day for me. I went to my first baby doctor appointment expecting the usual. So I left my hubby home to tend child no. 2 and off I went. I hoped to hear the baby's heartbeat and have everything confirmed as being o.k.
Everything was going just as planned. It took the doc a little while to find the baby's heartbeat: a mover for sure. But he was able to find it: 165, a good strong heartbeat. Relief. Then comes the not so fun part...you know what I'm takin' about. But the doc seems certain that I must be off on my LMP date. But I knew FOR SURE on that one. We had been trying for 5 months to get pregnant and my LMP had been during an important holiday that we had traveled out of town for...I was NOT off on my dates. "Well, it could be fibroids, or something else going on. You're uterus is measuring more like 18 weeks instead of 14. Let's just do an ultrasound today to make sure everything's o.k."
I'm a little worried at this point, but I'm also thinking, cool, I get to have an ultrasound early! Here's what the sonographer found:
In case you can't tell, that says "HEADS"---plural. "Congratulations! You're having twins!" HOLY CRAP!! I was not prepared for that one! Being that my sweet hubby was at home with our 3-year old, not with me during the ultrasound, I knew that if I called and told him, there was no way on this green earth he was going to believe me. He would need to see the proof. So I tried to calmly drive home to tell him the news. I walked in the door and being the jokster that he is he says, "Oh, man false alarm right? We're not really pregnant?" HA HA...JOKES ON YOU BUDDY! I told him he needed to sit down and then I just handed him the pictures.
He's starting to get used to the idea of twins...and so am I. That day I realized, my life will never be the same.
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